Time To Teach® Three-Day Train-the-Trainer Institute
Discover the ultimate solution to minimizing disruptions in your school! Unlock the power of cutting-edge, research-based strategies that are proven to work!
What is Time To Teach®
Investing in Evidence-Based Classroom Management for Your Teachers Is More Important Than Ever Before.
As Easy as
We Train
You Train Your School Staff
Positive School Results
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Our Teacher-Focused Training Programs
Our Teacher-Focused Training Programs Help Schools and Classrooms Establish Successful Sustainable Learning Environments and Emotionally Safer Classrooms
Our training…
Decreases teacher turnover and burnout
Unlimited training on your campus
Increases teacher job satisfaction
Registration is Now Open!
Register today to attend the Time To Teach Train The Trainer.
Hear inspiring speakers
Learn and share training tips
Add or renew instructor certifications
Hurry – seating is limited!
Benefits of the Time To Teach® Train The Trainer.
You will train and empower fellow colleagues to become skilled Classroom Management practitioners. Building disciplinary issues will plummet, teacher job satisfaction will skyrocket, and student engagement and on-task time will significantly improve.

Positive Outcomes

Build Internal Expertise

Continued Support

Model-Lead-Test Focus

Teach Your Colleagues

Sustainable System

Learn From Experts

Help Your Colleagues
Join us and be the reason for a positive change in your school or district!
This comprehensive Classroom Management training program equips you with everything you need to become a highly successful trainer for your staff.
You’ll also receive live support and dozens of relationship-building ideas to help your teachers turn their most challenging students into their best allies.
With best-selling professional development resources, a comprehensive training manual, core course materials, and a private portal, you’ll have all the tools to deliver effective training to your teachers.
Spend less time managing behavior and more time teaching and your school or district will become known as a top-tier institution filled with hardworking students and happy, effective teachers.
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Professional Development for Teachers and Other Educators

A Unique Institute.
You will teach, and your coworkers will learn to manage students who repeatedly violate classroom and school rules and ‘use up’ academic time. Regarding problem behavior, the good news is that there is hope, and there are innovative strategies to stop misbehavior! We know these strategies well and will certify you to teach them! You will provide valuable strategies to eliminate the pesky misbehavior teachers face every single day. What’s more, these strategies are remarkably successful for both veteran and new teachers to create emotionally safer schools.
How It Works…
Register for a train the trainer certification class near you or call us to schedule an onsite course for your school.
We Train You
Your selected staff learns Time To Teach classroom management techniques and becomes certified to train others in your school. After training, we support your staff with classroom materials and ongoing consultation.
You Train
Your Teachers
We enable you to combine our evidence-based strategies with your schools policies and procedures to ensure that training is consistent across your school.
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More Info…
The Train-the-Trainer Institute led by Rick Dahlgren and team offers a comprehensive, interactive, and research-based training to prepare teachers to teach Classroom Management strategies.
The Time To Teach program has been nationally recognized for reducing referrals and increasing academic and instruction time.
Participants will work and collaborate, including large and small groups with experts, to expand their understanding of Classroom Management.
The program provides a complete set of curriculum resources before the training and access to a comprehensive trainer portal after the training.
The program aims to elevate staff members into skilled, knowledgeable Classroom Management trainers who can train and support other teachers in implementing proactive strategies.
Teachers will be taught strategies to calmly avoid power struggles, decrease attention-getting behaviors, and develop a cooperative mindset in challenging students.
The program teaches evidence-based interventions to build a calm classroom and address low-level and crisis prevention and intervention.
Teachers will learn how to create an inviting, learning-conducive, safe, inclusive, and supportive classroom based on the latest BRAIN RESEARCH.
The program teaches methods to address behaviors outside of the classroom and develop consistent expectations with students.
Teachers will be provided with a toolbox of techniques to eliminate low-level misbehavior and establish positive, trusting relationships with students to create a learning community where students give maximum effort.
What Educators Are Saying…
Principals and teachers across America recommend and rate our Classroom Management Train-the-Trainer course as the best and most effective training for student results offered anywhere.
This seminar is specifically designed for: K-12 Classroom Teachers, School and Team Leaders, Instructional Coaches, Instructional Assistants, Educator Mentors, Behavioral Specialists, Principals, Assistant Principals, Special Education Staff, Title I Staff, Staffing Specialists, Staff Development Trainers, and School or District Administrators.

About Rick Dahlgren and his Team of Classroom Management Experts
Rick Dahlgren is a highly coveted national and international speaker, psychologist, behaviorist, educator, and author of five books and numerous book chapters and papers. Rick has worked extensively with difficult and disruptive students across all grade levels. With nearly 30 years of experience in schools, he has worked with thousands of educators. His ideas have been presented to over 400,000 teachers. Rick’s training is entertaining and inspirational. His down-to-earth style, humor, and real-life examples will help you create classrooms where students can learn, and teachers can teach – even those classrooms with students who exhibit difficult, challenging behaviors.
When prevention is not enough, and disruptive behaviors surface, Rick will teach you strategies to immediately stop “imminent behavioral escalation.” Rick will teach you how to improve the performance of disruptive, non-compliant students skillfully. He will also teach you powerful strategies that immediately defuse power struggles and create a learning-centered classroom!
Meet Our Team
Important Details about your
Train-the-Trainer Session.
Here are the details:
Each day will begin at 8:00 AM sharp and end at 3:30 PM. We will maximize our time for learning and allow for you to have some time to rest relax and then begin another intensive training day!
This course is ideal for schools and districts looking to create a core team of trainers to provide training to build and sustain an extraordinarily successful school-wide Classroom Management program.
This is a practical, powerful, career enhancing three-day Institute focused ON supporting teachers IN implementing RESEARCH-BASED classroom management STRATEGIES. Bring world-class classroom management strategies to YOUR school or district and boost teacher expertise and success and student achievement and happiness!
After completing the three-day Train-the-Trainer Institute, you will be authorized to train Time To Teach at your school or district where you work. After you have conducted your first Time To Teach training at your school or district, you will achieve your full Site-Based Certification status for two-years. You will be invited to attend the Train-the-Trainer at the end of your initial two-year certification to extend your certification for another two years. Each training you conduct with your staff will potentially have the following costs for your school or district: special reduced trainer only wholesale material costs, shipping, applicable taxes, and a minimal content use fee on training days. Also, always know that we will have you covered with unparalleled support like no one else provides.
This FREE two-year subscription provides 24/7 access to our Classroom Management videos and training modules designed to help you become an expert trainer.
The fee is $1395 per person and allows you unlimited training in your district during the two year certification.
Books You Will Receive for This Training

We’ve got what you need!
As part of the program…
Excellent resources will be made available!
Each participant will be provided with a valuable package of resources that includes a two-year subscription to the best-selling Time To Teach Training Portal, which features streaming video content to aid in preparation for training.
Additionally, comprehensive resource books containing material to reinforce and extend learning will be provided.
Moreover, detailed digital facilitator's guide videos will be included to walk participants through the delivery of a powerful Time To Teach professional development.
Finally, an adaptable PowerPoint slide deck will be provided to assist presentation teams in quickly developing their own school and district training.
Do you need help selecting a program...OR...do you need to talk with someone?
A Time To Teach representative is ready to help you select the Time To Teach training program that’s right for your school.
Ask about our on-site training for groups of 10 or more teachers.
Center for Teacher Effectiveness & Time To Teach
220 East Avenue
PO Box 14001 PMB 469
Ketchum, ID 83340
We stand behind every program and training product we provide. If a participant is not satisfied with a training program or product, we provide a 100% refund of the fee.